中華民國智慧財產局 (Taiwan Intellectual Property Office)
日本特許廳 (Japan Patent Office)
韓國智慧財產權廳(Korean Intellectual Property Office)
中國大陸國家知識產權局 (China National Intellectual Property Administration)
香港特別行政區政府知識產權署(Intellectual Property Department of Hong Kong)
新加坡智慧財產局(Intellectual Property Office of Singapore)
馬來西亞智慧財產局(Intellectual Property Corporation of Malaysia)
菲律賓智慧財產局(Intellectual Property Corporation of the Philippines)
印度智慧財產局(Intellectual Property Corporation of India)
泰國智慧財產局(Intellectual Property Corporation of Thailand)
印尼智慧財產局(Intellectual Property Corporation of Indonesia)
美國專利商標局(United States Patent and Trademark Office)
加拿大智慧財產局(Canadian Intellectual Property Office)
墨西哥工業產權局(Mexican Institute of Industrial Property)
巴西工業產權局(Brazilian National Institute of Industrial Property)
歐洲專利局(European Patent Office)
歐盟智慧財產局(European Union Intellectual Property Office)
澳洲智慧財產局(IP Australia)
紐西蘭智慧財產局(Intellectual Property Office of New Zealand)
世界智慧財產權組織(World Intellectual Property Organization)